Casino Mythbusting: Online Roulette Fallacies

As one of the oldest table games in the casino world, it’s unsurprising that roulette has seen plenty of myths and superstitions develop over the decades. Unfortunately, some of these online roulette strategy fallacies can leave new players misinformed, resulting in making poor choices at the tables.
Within the latest of our casino mythbusting series, we explore five popular approaches to betting on roulette and determine whether they’re fact or fiction.
1. Pinpoint ‘Sleeping Numbers’ To Increase Your Winning Prospects
A sleeping number is a number on the roulette wheel that hasn’t won for several rounds. One of the biggest roulette strategies encountered as that players will bet bigger on numbers or colours that have been dormant for longer than usual.
False: There’s no mathematical explanation for certain numbers becoming ‘sleepy’. Experienced online roulette players simply put these scenarios down to variance. There are at least 37 different pockets for the ball to land on. Although statistically you have a one in 37 chance of making the right selection with each spin, that probability doesn’t improve for subsequent spins after losing ones.
2. Cover All Outcomes And ‘Force’ The Zero
The forced zero roulette system is popular with those who play online roulette. Typically, players will opt to place equal bets on zero, red and black for each spin. Let’s say you wager €2 on zero, €2 on red and €2 on black every spin. The minimum you’ll get back is €4 from winning on red or black – until you hit the zero. When the zero does come in, you’ll win €70 at odds of 35:1.
In theory, you should land the zero at least once every 37 spins, which should give you a chance to either break even or make a small profit during your online roulette session.
False: People believe that by betting on red and black as well as the zero pocket, they can ‘force’ the software into landing the ball on zero. Incorrect. Every online roulette wheel is determined by a 100% decentralised random number generator (RNG), ensuring wholly randomised outcomes for each spin.
3. Pick Your Lucky Numbers Over All Others On The Wheel
Some superstitious online roulette players will refuse to bet on any other numbers except their lucky numbers. But just like playing the lottery, are you any more likely to win by playing your favourites or someone’s birthday numbers?
False: Although certain numbers may have proved lucky in the past for some roulette players, this is pure coincidence. Roulette is a game of chance and no-one can guarantee whether the ball will land in one pocket or the next. It’s what makes it such an engaging game both to play and to watch. But to believe that certain numbers on the wheel can consistently be lucky for you over the long-term is incorrect and could damage your play.
4. Sit Down With Lucky Charms When You Play Online Roulette
Lucky charms and rituals are one of the most common superstitions in the casino and beyond. Whether it’s a horseshoe, a four-leaf clover or a rabbit’s foot or even sitting at a particular seat in front of the table, many roulette players choose to have these charms by their side, believing that they will influence the outcome of their gaming. It’s also true that some players will choose to wear clothes that they perceive to be lucky.
False: These charms sitting beside you at the roulette table are just that – charms. They have no influence or control over where the ball lands on the roulette wheel. Even the dealer has no control over that – they simply spin the wheel and let the ball do its thing! A lucky charm might make an individual player more comfortable at the table, but it has no effect on the outcome of a wheel spin.
5. Avoid Things That Can Bring Bad Luck Before Your Online Roulette Session
Aside from lucky charms, some people will also engage in pre-game rituals as they believe it gives them the best chance of winning on the roulette wheel. The perception of having a beneficial ritual might give players a sense of control over their gaming, but the reality is that crossing your fingers, knocking on wood or stacking your chips in a certain manner won’t bring you good luck.
False: Of course, movies like James Bond can make it seem like casino games such as roulette benefit from having a glamorous partner to bring you good luck. Unfortunately, not.
6. Roulette Strategy Can Help Your Bankroll Go Further
The realities of playing online roulette are that no-one can predict the outcome of online roulette wheels. The outcome of previous rounds never influences the outcome of the next. The RNGs of online tables reset for the next round, never taking into consideration previous results.
True: Although it’s impossible to account for the randomness of online roulette wheels, it is possible to make sensible, educated bets that spread your risk across the roulette table.
The reality is that roulette systems which encourage you to spread your chips across different numbers using inside or outside bets can help you to pick up small wins without taking huge risks with your bankroll. The key to enjoying your online roulette session and maximising your bank is to never get transfixed on the idea of number streaks or ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ numbers. Treat each spin on its merits with a measured approach.
How many of these myths did you manage to bust?
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